Marriage at Any Price Read online

Page 13

She felt him cup her face in his big hands, and she melted a little bit more. He adjusted his position and lay down on his back, pulling her on top of him. Her head rested in his hands, his knee separating her legs.

  “I want you, Ally,” he whispered against her mouth. One hand moved to cup her breast, and with a squeeze she knew she was lost to this man. She wanted him, right or wrong, here and now.

  Her hands came up and over his wide shoulders as she kissed him back, silently giving him the answer he sought. There was no holding out. No foreplay. No teasing. It wasn’t necessary, she was so hot for him. There was something about Seth that tore down all barriers. Her body succumbed to his touch, his rugged scent, to the sparkle in his brownish-gold eyes. His deep voice sent chills through her and left her hot and wanting.

  He slid off her boots then found the zipper on her jeans and quickly slid it open. “Lift yourself up for me, Ally.”

  As she did he pulled her jeans and panties down her legs and off her feet. For a second the soft wind touched her, and she felt bare and open. Seth rubbed his hand against her bottom, and she felt her body grow warmer still. She pressed against his hand, and he answered her need, pushing first one finger then two into her. The blood rushed to her head, and she felt encompassed in a soft cocoon.

  Seth adjusted his position until she was covering him, legs parted, and slowly he pushed inside. Ally struggled to accept him.

  “Take me inside, Ally,” he encouraged.

  Again his words caused a heady sensation to capture her body. She was drowning in Seth’s possession and loving each second. When he was all the way in, Seth sat up and perched Ally on his lap. He filled her, and she succumbed to the mind-blowing sensitivity of her body fused with his. Then Seth began to move. He held her hips as he lifted her up and down, making her shiver with reckless abandon. Far below she could hear the sound of running water as the river surged into the lake, creating a small waterfall.

  Ally was lost in sensation. She looked down into Seth’s eyes, and her heartbeat doubled. Her breathing became fast as she saw her passion reflected in his eyes. She threw her head back. His motions grew faster and faster. She knew she was on the brink. Suddenly the dam broke, and she felt herself suspended between earth and sky, a thousand lights sparking around her.

  As if sensing her climax, Seth wasn’t far behind. He gripped her tight as he slammed into her, his hips lifting her off the ground. She heard him call out her name as he too reached his orgasm.

  Ally fell forward, sprawling on top of him, momentarily too weak to sit up. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, kissing her head and cheek. She heard his heart beating in his chest, his deep breathing as he strove to catch his breath. It had never been this way with anyone else. Not even close. But she wouldn’t give in to her emotions and end up heartbroken when he went away. Seth had made it clear from the beginning that he was not a family man. He wanted no part of a wife and children, instead choosing to live his life as he always had: as a carefree bachelor. Not pinned down by anything or anyone. And the time until he would return to LA was growing ever shorter.

  She’d had a glimpse of his life and knew she could never be a part of it. Not only for the reasons that Seth didn’t want her there, but it was so far removed from the life she had always known. It had been especially nice walking along the beach with Seth, but she could tell it was something he rarely did. What would they do together? He had his clique of friends, his work, his routine, and she didn’t fit into any of it. If he ever did decide to marry for real, she had no doubt he’d choose a woman like those they’d met at the restaurant in Malibu. And she had a ranch to run. She couldn’t do that from LA.

  “Ally? You’re quiet. Are you okay?”

  Summoning all her resolve, she pushed up and smiled at him. She was lucky to have known such a man. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “I think we should probably head back. It’s getting late.”


  She rolled onto her back, grabbed her jeans and began to dress.

  * * *

  Seth knew something had changed in Ally. He could feel it in the air. He could sense it in Ally. It wasn’t because they’d made love. It went deeper than that. It had started when they were talking about the research center and him returning to LA. It wasn’t anything new, nothing he hadn’t said before, but this time was different because he was talking about leaving Texas. Maybe permanently. His intention was to come back and visit both his brothers and Ally, but he hadn’t reached the age of thirty-five without learning that the best intentions sometimes didn’t pan out. He wanted to see her again. Hell, he didn’t want to leave her to begin with. No matter how he tried to picture it, he couldn’t imagine being in a long-distance relationship with Ally.

  He’d been single for many years, not accountable to anyone or anything other than his business. Running his company and trying to get the research center started didn’t leave any time for personal relationships. And with taking on the additional responsibilities of Masters International, his free time would be even more limited. Any thought of making this a steady relationship, let alone continuing the marriage, was ridiculous. That’s just the way it was, and he’d better accept it. Ally understood. Why couldn’t he get it through his head that this was one relationship that just would not work out?

  Two of the Masterses’ ranch hands were waiting for them when they approached the main barn. With smooth efficiency the horses were unsaddled and loaded into the trailer, and as the sun set beneath the horizon, they were on their way home.

  “It was a good day,” Ally said. Her delicate features were barely visible in the ambient glow of the dashboard lights.

  He reached out and found her hand. “Yes, it was a very good day.” He kissed the back of her hand.

  “That ranch is everything I’ve always heard it would be. The farther you go on the land, the more beautiful it is.”

  “Don’t sell your ranch short. The Rockin’ H has merits all its own. It has two lakes, hills, and the pine and oak forest is beautiful. Plenty of rich, good pastureland. And, from what I’ve been told, some of the best horses in the county.”

  She smiled at him. “Yeah. You’re right. But still, there is one particular spot on the Masters compound I will always think of fondly.”

  “Maybe we will just have to find a special place on the Rockin’ H.”


  All too soon they were turning into the long driveway of her ranch. Seth pulled around beside the barn, and together they unloaded the horses and put them in their stalls. One of their ranch hands walked in and offered to see that the horses were brushed down and fed. For once Ally didn’t argue that she would do it herself. Maybe she was finally understanding and accepting that some things could be done for her. No matter where he went, regardless of what he did in life, he would make sure she always had the help she needed. Her days would soon be filled with training new horses and no telling what else. She needed to be able to delegate some of her responsibilities.

  And his life would be in California. At least for the foreseeable future once he left Texas. It was fact, and he’d better stop daydreaming of Ally and get back to reality. She was such a temptation, and he wanted all of her he could have.

  Today had been unexpected and amazing. Making love in the great outdoors had been a first for him. He’d never been with a woman who was so responsive, so perfectly in tune with his own needs and feelings. He knew when he left to return home, she would close the door she’d opened to him. He hated the very idea. But, he reminded himself, he never intended to be a family man, never wanted to be married. He liked the freedom his lifestyle allowed. Still, for the first time in his life, he was tempted to give a permanent relationship a try.

  Ally went to the barn to check on her brood and found two new horses eating their oats.

  “They were delivered this afternoon,” said
Stony, one of the cowboys. “Didn’t know for sure where you wanted them, so we put them in a stall. They seem content.”

  “You did good,” Seth commented, looking at the grin on Ally’s face.

  “Yes, you did. These guys weren’t expected until tomorrow.”

  “That’s what the owner said,” Stony explained. “The one on the left is a two-year-old named Denim. The other is three, and they call him Scout. Mr. Deevers said you would know what to do with them.”

  Ally nodded. She opened the first stall door and approached the horse.

  “Good boy,” she cooed. She ran her hands over the smooth glistening coat, checked the legs and moved to the head, where she checked the teeth. “He looks good. We’ll find out how good in the morning.”

  She left that stall and approached the other horse. This was the two-year-old that wasn’t quite as willing to meet a strange human. Eventually Ally won him over and managed to do a cursory examination. “We’re gonna have fun, aren’t we, Denim.” She patted his shoulder and eased out of the stall.

  “Have a good evening, Stony,” she said and walked toward the main barn door.

  “You too, Mrs. Masters.”

  Seth was beside her as they returned to the house.

  He wanted her again in the worst way, but it was her decision. At the top of the stairs, she said good night and he had no choice but to continue on to his room.

  It was midnight, thirty minutes past the last time he’d last checked the clock, when he heard a soft knock at the door. Before he could respond, the door opened and Ally stood in the doorway. Without pausing she padded softly to his bed and leaned over him. She lowered her head to his, her lips soft and warm as she kissed him. Seth responded immediately, his arms around her shoulders as he pulled her down beside him. Then he was kneeling over her, kissing her deeply, wanting her more than he rightfully should.

  “Seth, I...”

  “Shh,” he told her as he put a finger against her moist lips. Then he kissed her again, and passion flared between them. He didn’t know what had brought her here, and he didn’t care what the future would bring. There was only now: this moment. Whatever this was between them demanded his full attention, and he would gladly give it. He tugged her T-shirt over her shoulders, and when she lay back against the pillow, her full breasts were there for him to love. Scooting down in the bed, he held them in his hands and gently squeezed as he put his mouth and teeth into action. As his tongue played with the rosy tips, first licking then sucking, she arched toward him, letting out a small moan.

  He moved up her body to kiss her lips, hunger driving him on. He felt her fingers play in the hair at the back of his head. His body was hard now; he was ready to take her. He wanted to taste her in the worst way. Leaving her lips he kissed his way down her body to the apex of her thighs.

  “Spread your legs for me, Ally,” he told her in a jagged voice. When she complied he thought he would lose it right then.

  He moved to her most sensitive flesh, loving the taste and feel of her. She drew herself up, lifting her hips toward him, and he fed. Her breathing grew fast, and she clutched the back of his head, holding him to her.

  “Seth,” she moaned, and her body grew still. Then spasms rippled through her as she climaxed, her hips bucking under his mouth.

  When her tension began to ease, he moved slowly back to kiss her face. His entire body was tense and hard. If he didn’t get release soon, he would explode. Using his hand he positioned his erection against her opening and pushed inside. She raised her legs to take all of him, and he pushed deep.

  She was tight, and she moaned as he entered. He stopped, allowing her body to accept him. When he felt her push against him, he began to move.

  With others he’d always held back, but with Ally his restraint all but vanished. He felt wild, as though nature itself were consuming him. The rhythm grew more frantic, passion overtaking all other emotions. When she came, Seth couldn’t hold out any longer. It went on and on until both of them collapsed back on the bed.

  He fell to her side, not wanting to crush her. He held her close to him, their bodies fused in moisture and the need for contact. He left a trail of kisses down her neck, loving the taste of her.

  Eventually Ally fell asleep. Seth pulled the covers over her and stared at the shadowy ceiling. She turned onto her left side, and Seth caressed her smooth back and shoulder. He didn’t want to give her up. Just the idea of another man making love to her filled him with anger. So what in the hell was he going to do?


  Ally slipped out from between the covers, leaving Seth to sleep. Quietly she tiptoed from the room. Grabbing some clean clothes from her room, she headed to the shower. Seth’s scent was on her skin, and she didn’t want to wash it away. She hadn’t wanted to get up but instead lay in the bed nestled next to him. What was wrong with her? She was close to falling in love with him, and she would pay for it one day if she weren’t careful. A day not so far away.

  She stepped into the shower and let the steam work its magic. Today she had two new horses to train. She would concentrate on them and try to forget last night—and yesterday afternoon—with Seth. Try to forget how caring he was, how he made her feel wanted and protected. She’d been on her own for over a year, and she’d done well enough. If her ranch hadn’t been stolen from her, she would have done better. Still, she didn’t need a man in her life, and that included Seth Masters. She would make herself believe that.

  She dressed quickly and headed to the barn. She wanted to get an early start on the new horses. Placing the halter on the three-year-old, Ally led him out of the stall to the round pen and started him off in a trot. The horse obeyed her voice commands and went around the ring perfectly, not requiring a pull on the lunge line to control him. After a few times around, she pulled him up and turned him in the opposite direction. He went around the ring less willingly, stopping several times to try to turn around. Whoever provided his basic training had apparently let him get away with going the way he wanted. Not happening under Ally’s watch. The horse had to learn to take and accept directions, and that included going to both the left and the right on a lounge line.

  She became so intent on working with the colt, she didn’t see Seth approach.

  “It looks like you have him trained already,” Seth said from behind her.

  She pulled the horse to a halt, giving verbal commands to reinforce the training. “He’s already had the basics. That’s one step ahead for both of us.”

  Seth stood next to the pipe railing, a mug of coffee in one hand. He was dressed in well-worn jeans that hugged his trim physique and a pullover sweater. He looked devastatingly handsome. His golden-brown eyes sparkled, and his full lips were tantalizing. A wisp of hair, bleached by the sun, fell over his forehead. He was wearing a gold watch on his left wrist. And on his third finger, his gold wedding band.

  “Did you send your security home?”

  “Yeah, I did. I can have them back here in a couple of hours if need be.”

  “I think it will be fine. The break-in was probably a onetime thing. I doubt if the intruder will come back.”

  “We’ll be ready for him if he tries again.”

  “You’ve got that right!”

  Seth shook his head, a smile on his lips. “You know, one of these days you’re going to get yourself in trouble with that attitude.”

  “Why, Mr. Masters, I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Hey, folks,” their ranch hand Thomas Thurman said as he approached the corral.

  “Morning, Tom.”

  “Stony and one of the other hands finished a perimeter check on all the fencing. They found three tree limbs down on the fence that needed to be cut away and a gate on the far side that looks like it’s been forced open. We’re going to repair that and put new locks on it. It looks like tire prints going through the open
ing and heading in this direction. None of us has been that route. Thought you’d want to know.”

  Ally felt Seth stiffen. “We do. Thanks, Tom.”

  “You betcha. Say, is Pauline in? I’d like to say hello.”

  Ally smiled. She’d seen Pauline coming from the barn and Thomas visiting in the house on occasion. She’d wondered if something was up between them. “She’s right inside. Go ahead.”

  He tipped his hat and walked to the back door.

  “Isn’t that sweet?” Ally couldn’t help saying.

  “Oh, absolutely. Sweet,” Seth said, his eyes twinkling. “How much longer are you planning to work your new horses?”

  “I’m about finished with this one for the day. Maybe three hours on Denim. Why?”

  “I’ve got to make some calls. I’ll probably be tied up for a few hours.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll be perfectly fine.”

  As Seth winked and walked away, Ally’s heart pounded in her chest. There was something about that man that called to her. She didn’t need his touch for her to turn to mush inside, just a wink from those incredible brown eyes. And that grin. And his deep voice. With a sigh she turned back to the colt. It was time to keep her mind on the business at hand.

  Three hours later Ally returned to the house. Pauline greeted her with a shy smile and a blush.

  “Tom said you wouldn’t mind him stopping in,” she told Ally.

  “Not at all. Are you two now a couple?”

  “Oh, I don’t know if I would say that, but we’re going out Friday night.” She beamed. “He sure is a handsome dude.”

  “Yes, he is. Well, I hope you have a good time.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. Masters. I put on a pot roast for dinner. I hope that’s okay with you.”

  Ally nodded and smiled. “That sounds perfect.”

  “It should be ready about seven o’clock. I’m also making a batch of my grandmother’s corn bread rolls. I hope you and Mr. Masters like them.”

  “I’m sure we will. And Pauline, call me Ally.”