Marriage at Any Price Read online

Page 10

  “So, how did your meeting go?” Ally asked after they had placed their orders.

  “Good.” He smiled. “Groundbreaking is set for early June. How was your afternoon?”

  “Okay. I found a spot out on your balcony and watched the boats and the people. I especially loved the surfers. What must it be like to have your back door open out onto the ocean? Do you go jogging in the mornings?”

  “Actually, I did for a while. Then the business started to really grow and there was less time every day. Then I was spending fewer days here in the States, which made it even harder.”

  “You really should make time for jogging again. The mornings are the best. You can lose yourself. Clear your head and make plans for the coming day.”

  “Is that what you do?” He draped his linen napkin over his lap.

  “When I go riding? Yes. I usually take one of the horses on a brisk ride just as the sun is coming up. They seem to like it as well.”

  “So that’s what you were doing the day we...met.”

  “Yep.” She picked up her glass of ice water. “And you cratered my whole day.”

  Seth reared back and gave a husky laugh. “Now I understand why you were so upset.”

  “Well, yeah. Almost being run down.”

  “Seth!” A woman’s voice came from behind her. “I thought that was you!”

  As the woman approached their table, Ally looked into her laughing blue eyes. She was a tall brunette, model thin, who made no effort to disguise she was enamored with Seth.

  “Gayle.” Seth acknowledged her and stood from his seat.

  She stepped into his arms and kissed him on the cheek then looked up into his eyes as if expecting him to do or say something more. Hello? Don’t mind me, Ally thought.

  While Ally knew she had no right to be jealous, she couldn’t stop the sensations of anger and resentment that began gnawing at her stomach. Before she could take another breath, Seth set the woman away from him.

  “I want you to meet my wife.”

  The woman’s head shot around, and she looked at Ally in surprise.

  “Ally, this is Gayle Honeycutt. Her father and I have done a lot of business together. Gayle, my wife, Ally.”

  “You’re married?” the woman gasped. She looked as though she’d just been slapped. But she gathered her wits quickly and produced a smile that would challenge anyone who would accuse her of not being happy for the new couple.

  “Congratulations,” she breathed. “Oh my gosh. You didn’t let us know you were getting married.” She turned toward Ally. “Are you from this area?”


  “Texas? Really. Well, he certainly kept you hidden.”

  “Hidden from what?” Ally managed to give the woman a blank stare.

  “All the ladies whose hearts will now be broken.” She eyed Ally with suspicion. “I would love to know how you reeled this one in. We’ve been trying for years.”

  “Gayle.” There was a warning in Seth’s tone.

  That seemed to bring her polite facade back up. “I’m just saying. Well, nice meeting you, Ally, and good luck. Seth, take care.”

  “You too.”

  She disappeared as quickly as she’d appeared, into the darkness of the low-lit restaurant.

  “Sorry about that.” Seth returned to his seat.

  “Oh, no. No apology needed. This is your hometown, and it would surprise me more if you didn’t have women clamoring over you. I’m just sorry you had to share our secret.”

  “You mean our marriage?”

  “Yeah. It’s going to cause a rift in your social life when you come back after the three months are over.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He flexed his jaw as if he were agitated.

  The appetizers were served, and for a while the conversation stilled, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. The shrimp cocktail was delicious, as were the salad and homemade bread. The wine he’d ordered tasted incredible with the food. Ally forgot her nervousness and let herself enjoy the dinner. She had just laid down her fork after a delicious main course when the waitress came back to check and make sure everything had been okay. When dessert was offered, she turned it down. She couldn’t hold another bite. She and Seth ordered coffee to finish out the meal.

  “This was delicious. Thank you, Seth.”

  “My pleasure. I enjoyed it as well. We’ll have to come back again sometime.”

  Ally smiled. Seth might come back, but it wouldn’t be with her. In two days they were due to return home. Ally was ready. This break in her daily routine was nice, but her place was in Texas. It was where she fit. What she knew.

  “Seth Masters, you sneaky thing!” Another woman approached the table. Seth muttered something foul and politely stood up.

  “Rachael,” he said.

  “I just ran into Gayle Honeycutt...this is your wife?”

  “Ah, yes. This is Ally. Ally, meet Rachael Larson.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “I can’t believe you’re married,” this new woman said, turning back to Seth. “You never let on you were seeing someone seriously.”

  “Now you know,” Seth told her and returned to his seat.

  “I guess so.” She eyed Ally then returned her gaze to Seth. “Well, good luck to you both.”

  “Thanks, Rachael.”

  He looked at Ally. “Are you ready to go?”


  Without another word, he stood from the table and reached for her hand to help her up. They headed for the door.

  * * *

  Seth couldn’t believe his luck. Two women he’d once dated showing up at his table within an hour of each other was unbelievable. He could only imagine the impact it had on Ally. But then again, why should it? They weren’t in love. They had not married under normal circumstances, so why should he worry about the effect this had on her? He helped her into the car and walked to the other side and got in.

  “I’m really sorry about that, Ally.”

  “About what?”

  “Gayle and Rachael showing up like that.”

  She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter to me. Why should it? We’re not really married, plus I never assumed you’d been a monk.”


  Ally turned her head and looked at him, one eyebrow going up.

  “I mean it’s good you weren’t bothered by them showing up.”

  “Not at all. So, we leave the day after tomorrow?”

  “Two more days. Think you can stand it?”

  “It’ll be good to be home again.”

  Seth was still grimacing as they walked through the door to his condo. He’d asked Ally to accompany him to California to show her a bit of his world. But that didn’t mean she’d sleep with him in his bed. She’d no doubt have major objections to sleeping in his suite. With him. And he couldn’t blame her. While he was majorly attracted to Ally, he sensed her pulling away from him.

  “Would you care to take a late-night stroll on the beach?” he asked as they crossed the threshold. “It’s a full moon, and usually on nights like this there’s plenty of light.”

  She stood still, contemplating her answer. “I’d like that.”

  Moments later they were standing at the condo’s private entrance to the beach. Ally slipped off her shoes. Seth did the same.

  “It’s been a long time since I did this, visited the ocean. Especially at night. My work has become increasingly hectic. When I’m home, I rarely notice the ocean anymore. Even the view.”

  “That’s too bad. You need to find some time to enjoy this. Especially living seaside. You must love the beach to want to live here.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” he answered as they stepped out onto the sand. It felt both flour-soft and crisp at the same time. Somewhere in the night, th
e seagulls called to one another away from the sound of the waves rolling onto the shore. The moon cast its light down over the water, highlighting the spray of each wave. A soft breeze filled the air.

  “It’s beautiful,” Ally commented. “I can smell the sea.”

  He watched as she ran to the edge of the water and laughed as the waves rolled over her bare feet. “It’s warm! Come on, Seth. Be daring.” She laughed and held out her hand to him.

  He approached her and took her hand. Together they began to stroll down the beach.

  “We have beaches in Texas, but the sand isn’t this soft. I used to go with some friends back when I was in school. I loved the ocean,” Ally said.

  “We have that in common. Growing up I used to walk along the shore and look for things the tide had brought up. I had a whole treasure trove of driftwood and dried starfish. My mother finally threw up her hands at me bringing so much trash, as she called it, into the house. But I thought it was special.”

  “Do you still have your collection?”

  “Nah. After she died I sold the house, and my treasures had to go.”

  “That’s too bad. I would have liked to see some pieces.”

  He’d never told anyone about his love of beachcombing. People would probably laugh it off as a childhood phase. It suddenly hit him that he hadn’t hesitated in telling Ally. Somehow he knew she would understand.

  “What did you like doing as a kid? Any childhood fascinations?”

  “Antiquing. The land on the ranch is riddled with artifacts from both the Native American culture and the Civil War era. I once found a set of eyeglasses and a small metal powder flask used by a soldier. I’ve found clay pots and arrowheads and a piece of jewelry. I still have most of my finds, but for me, the fun was in the looking.”

  Seth grinned to himself. “Definitely.”

  Ally stopped and bent down, retrieving something from the sand.

  “What did you find?”

  “Just a piece of shell. I would think it would be fascinating to walk along this beach during the daytime.”

  “It is. Especially early in the morning when the tide is going out. You can find lots of shells and all sorts of stuff. We will have to make time to do just that the next trip in. This is a private stretch of beach, so not a lot of people get to the treasures.”

  Ally was quiet for a long time. As they continued their walk, he had to wonder what she was thinking.

  “What’s the matter, Ally?”

  “Not a thing. Just that this has been a great mini vacation. I haven’t once worried about the horses or break-ins or anything that might be going on at the ranch. I owe you a huge amount of gratitude for taking me away from all the worries for a while.”

  “Not a problem. We will have to do it again.”

  “You know that isn’t going to happen. You have your life and I have mine. Even if you didn’t mind carrying around the extra baggage, I have responsibilities. Anyway, by the time you need to return to California, our time together will probably be over.”

  “It doesn’t have to be,” he said, stopping in his tracks, pulling her to a halt.

  “Yes, it does.”

  “Why? Tell me why.”

  He didn’t wait for her answer. He pulled her into his arms and found her lips with his. She was soft and welcoming, her scent standing out as pure, luscious desire against the aroma of the sea. He heard her moan, and his desire doubled. He pulled her body firmly against his, wanting to show her what she did to him. Her arms climbed up and over his shoulders, and she ran her fingers through the short hair at his nape. She was so responsive, so sensual, he knew the possibility existed that this would get out of hand fast and he would take her right here on the beach.

  Pulling back, he cupped her face with his hand while bestowing kisses on her cheek and ear.

  “I want you,” he said. “There’s something between us. I know you can feel it, too. Let’s go back to the condo.”

  She studied his face in the moonlight. Finally she nodded in agreement, and his excitement surged. He had to kiss her one more time. It started in gentleness like the soothing waves that crept up on the shore: calming, relaxing, providing a glimpse of what deeper waters held in store. But the underlying power of a storm that pulled an ocean to the brink of fury settled between them, and he knew there was only one way to silence the turbulence.

  He released her face and took her hand and began the trek back to his penthouse. The warm waves rolled over their feet but he hardly noticed; he felt like the air had been torn from his lungs. All he knew was Ally. All he wanted was Ally. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He never intended their marriage to be consummated. But there was something about her he hadn’t known with any other woman. There was no comparison. There was no right or wrong. There were no second guesses. He would have her.


  He pulled her into his arms again as soon as the elevator doors closed. She was hot and trembling and oh so decadent. He pushed her into the corner, lost in the moment, his mind leaving his body to be replaced by pure animal instinct.

  The doors opened, and they were inside his condo. Her shoes fell to the floor as he swung her up and into his arms and walked purposefully toward the master bedroom. There, next to the bed, he set her on her feet and began taking off her dress.

  Again his lips found hers in the inky blackness of the night. He knew the passion that lay between them was only a breath away. She could deny it all she wanted, but he could taste it, feel it. Smell the arousal on her skin. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He couldn’t promise her forever. He couldn’t promise anyone that. But he could give her now.

  For long moments she kissed him with raw, honest emotion, giving back each kiss, each stroke of the tongue. Her hands moved to his chest, and he wanted her touch on his skin. Ripping open his shirt, he placed her hands against him. Cupping her hips he pulled her to him, pressing his erection against her belly. He felt her shudder. He pushed her hair back from her face and kissed her jaw and neck and nuzzled her ear before moving to the other side. He heard her moan and felt her hands go around his back, pulling him closer.

  * * *

  Ally felt as though she was in a dream. She knew what was coming. It both excited and terrified her. She didn’t want to have feelings for this man. But he was under her skin, and she knew tonight she wouldn’t say no again. She stood watching him silently as he undressed her; the soft blue dress fell silently to the floor, followed by her bra. His mouth formed a thin, tight line as he concentrated on what he was doing. She reached out to his belt, unhooking it, then found the button on his jeans.

  “Let me help you, sweetheart.” His voice was raspy, deep. Her heart beat a fast rhythm in her chest as he quickly unzipped his jeans.

  Then he again picked her up, laid her softly on the bed and followed her down. She had never made love with a man she had known less than three weeks, but that thought didn’t linger. Seth had shown up in her life and turned her world upside down. He wasn’t like any other man she had ever known or would ever know.

  She cupped his face in her hands, feeling the texture of his five o’clock shadow. Her thumb played against his full lips, and she felt the grooves on either side of his mouth. The world grew more intense. He smelled like the robust cologne he wore mixed with his own unique manly scent. His body was hot, aroused. It served to bring her own body to a highly awakened state. With gentle kisses he sent adrenaline zipping down her spine. He nibbled at her neck, and she threw back her head to allow him more access. His hands played with and molded her breasts, then his lips trailed down and he licked in circles around each nipple. She moaned with need.

  “What is it, Ally?” he whispered in a deep, masculine voice. “What do you need?”

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “This?” he asked playfully, running his tongue over her pink

  “Yes,” she said and arched her back.

  “Or how about this?” he murmured, taking one bud between his lips and sucking gently.

  She was on fire. She strove to breathe as she clutched the hair at his nape.

  “I need to be inside you,” he said, taking her other nipple in his mouth and giving it the same treatment. “Are you ready for me?”

  She felt him reach down between their bodies and test the wetness between her legs. Two fingers probed the opening then pushed gently inside. Her body naturally squeezed, increasing the need she had for him as her legs spread wide. He pushed her gently back on the bed, removing her bikini panties as he hovered over her, sliding them down her long legs.

  He straddled her on the bed, one leg on either side, holding himself above her with his arms. She felt his erection at the entrance to her womb. Raising her knees, she moved to where she needed him to be. He entered her then, slowly, then withdrew before entering her once again. Deeper this time until she felt his rhythm and sought to hold on and move with him.

  “God, Ally,” he rasped. Then with one hard push, he was fully inside. She inhaled deeply, sharply, at the full penetration.

  “Easy, sweetheart,” he said in her ear. “Just take it slow. God, you feel amazing.”

  Ally couldn’t speak, couldn’t think. She was lifted off the bed by pure sensation that wrapped her from her head to her toes. She thought it couldn’t get better. Then Seth began to move again. Slowly at first, drawing back and pushing increasingly deeper with every thrust. She found herself on the edge of a great precipice, and only Seth could determine whether she shot to the heavens or rode the wave that seemed to go on forever.

  She sensed his forearms on either side of the pillow, his hands under her head as his lips again found hers. His tongue entered her mouth and filled her before withdrawing. He emitted a low growl, biting at her lips and throat. Pushing into her. It was raw sex. Unlike anything she had ever experienced.