Marriage at Any Price Read online

Page 11

  He slid his fingers through her hair and held her head as he feasted on her lips, her mouth. Then he was biting her ear, sucking her lobe, his breathing hot and rapid. His hands again cupped her breasts, pinching the swollen buds, and a current shot from her chest to between her legs. He pushed in deep, his hips rotating. The world stood still.

  “Come for me, Ally.” It was a hot demand, his voice rough and guttural.

  Her body complied. Without warning, she was caught up in the whirlwind Seth had created, soaring toward the stars and feeling as though she would never come down. Her breath surged from her lungs, and she didn’t care if it ever came back. She felt him push hard over and over, deep into her, before calling out her name as he joined her in their shared ecstasy.

  Seth fell to one side and hugged her close to his body. Breathing hard, he pressed fevered kisses against her brow, her cheek, her lips.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice still low, still winded.

  She nodded. “Yes.” In fact, she was better than she’d been in a long time. For these few remarkable minutes, the burden she carried dissolved into nothingness. She snuggled into his strong arms and inhaled his arousing scent. She felt safe and protected, and even though her conscious mind knew it was just for the moment, she let herself enjoy the sensation. Sleep overtook her as she settled into his arms.

  * * *

  The next morning Ally stretched and yawned. Drawing in a deep breath, she opened her eyes. Something was off. This was not her room. She sensed warmth next to her, and immediately the events of the previous night flooded her mind. Turning her head, she came face-to-face with Seth’s twinkling eyes.

  “Good morning,” he murmured sleepily. “Sleep well?” He grinned, leaned over and kissed her.

  “I did. Too well.” She stretched and felt unfamiliar discomfort between her legs.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked, looking deep into her eyes.

  She felt a blush run up her neck. “No.”

  Seth had made love to her again during the night, and as stupid as it was, she hadn’t denied him. She knew she was asking for trouble down the line. The day would come when she got used to being with him. And fast on the heels of that would be the day he said goodbye. It was inevitable. He was a globe-trotting executive who had no intention of settling down.

  What had she done? She’d made love to Seth Masters, that’s what. And she had never been loved as deeply and as thoroughly as she had last night. She’d been right. Seth Masters was amazing in bed. So much so that she didn’t regret one instant. The ecstasy had overwhelmed her so completely it took away any regrets she might have otherwise felt this morning.

  But she wouldn’t fall in love with him. She absolutely wouldn’t. She wouldn’t be that foolish. Again. Making love with Seth so far overwhelmed anything she’d felt with Wayne, it wasn’t even a contest. Who was this stranger who had dropped into her world and turned it inside out and upside down?

  She stretched again, slipped out of the bed and headed to the shower. The soothing spray was exactly what she needed. For a few minutes, she claimed the right to indulge in its heavenly warmth. Eventually, her hands getting pruny, she stepped out of the shower. After drying off, she wrapped a towel around herself and returned to the suite to get dressed.

  Seth wasn’t there. She supposed he was using another shower in the apartment. She toweled her hair dry and combed it out before getting dressed. When she was done putting on her makeup, she stepped out into the hallway.

  “Good morning,” Seth said from behind her. She turned around. He was looking way too sexy in a white bathrobe as he strolled into the main room. He walked over to her and lifted her chin with his finger. Bending over, he placed his lips against hers, and Ally felt the sizzle of temptation run throughout her body. “The coffee should be ready, and there are fresh pastries on the counter,” he said against her lips. “Make yourself at home while I get dressed.”

  She grabbed a cup of coffee and a croissant and went outside, finding a seat on the terrace. The morning activity made the beach a different place than it was last night. People were talking and laughing, and there was music playing somewhere in the distance. It wasn’t long before Seth joined her, walking just past where she sat to stand at the balcony railing.

  He turned to look at her. “I have a conference call today, around ten, and I have to be at my office for that. Karen should be here about the same time to pick you up.”

  “Then I’d better go get dressed.”

  Karen Silverton arrived at exactly ten o’clock. A perky blonde, she was not at all what Ally had expected. Welcoming and warm, she introduced herself, and they were off. Karen was a genuinely nice person who gave Ally the lowdown on what to expect at the types of dinner parties and social events Seth attended. Ally didn’t bother to tell her this was a one-shot affair.

  Over the next couple hours, they went to innumerable shops, and the dresses Ally tried on were elegant and stylish and made her feel like she’d just won the lottery. Whether red or black or gray, each fit her to perfection. She especially liked one of three-toned brown, starting with gold at the neck, with the layers of fabric getting darker as they fell to her knees. It felt elegant and took away any hint someone might have that she was a cowgirl.

  They had lunch at a small restaurant in Hollywood. Karen was easy to talk to and commented several times on how much she enjoyed working for Seth.

  “He’s a real guy,” Karen said. “No arrogance, no games. Just straightforward and honest. In the seven years I’ve known him, he’s always maintained that he would never get married. Imagine my surprise when he told me he’d done just that. You are one lucky lady, if you don’t mind me saying so. Of course, Seth is lucky, too. I’ll bet you made a beautiful bride.”

  Ally smiled and swallowed hard. Only she and Seth knew there was no bride, no engagement. Just a sham marriage of convenience. She realized she was in over her head with this arrangement. For the first time since accepting Seth’s business proposal, she wished she’d said no. She’d imagined a wedding, of course, but then the two of them would pretty much go their separate ways. The very last thing she’d thought would happen was that she’d be sharing a house with him and becoming part of his life. Now she was lying to his administrative assistant. And Seth, the honorable man Karen thought him to be, was lying, too. Somehow Ally felt as if the entire charade was her fault.

  “The clothes will be delivered in the morning,” Karen explained as they got in the car to head back to the condo. “Saves us carrying all those bags.”

  Ally felt bad about spending so much money on clothes. At least she would happily wear them. They wouldn’t sit idle in her closet. It was the first truthful thing she’d done since marrying Seth and it felt good.

  * * *

  Ally spent the afternoon getting ready for the research center reception. She had chosen to wear a dark violet cocktail dress with tiny sequins sewn into the material. It set off her hair and her slim figure. She looked amazing. Beautiful. She’d had a manicure, and her make-up set off her high cheekbones and the delicate features of her face.

  The limo was there on time, and they were off.

  When she and Seth walked through the door to the hotel restaurant, all eyes turned to them. Rather, to Ally. Cameras flashed as several partygoers came forward to greet Seth and introduce themselves to Ally. Her grin ever at the ready, she shook their hands and returned their compliments as though she’d been doing it her entire life. She seemed perfectly at ease and was immediately accepted by various people in the group.

  “It’s certainly nice to meet you, Mr. Smothers. And is this your beautiful wife?”

  “It is. Ally, meet Gretchen,” the older man replied, and his wife stepped forward to shake Ally’s hand.

  “Your dress is lovely,” Mrs. Smothers said. “It goes so beautifully with your hair.”

l, thank you. That’s very kind of you to say.” Her southern accent stole the show. “And thank you for your kind contribution to the treatment center.”

  Seth watched as Ally made her way around the room, talking to the people, laughing, accepting a drink from one man, compliments from several. He felt pride as he watched her work the crowd. He tried to keep up but was pulled aside by a few attendees who didn’t realize this was supposed to be a celebration, not a business meeting.

  Later Seth caught up with her at the punch bowl.

  “My feet are killing me,” she said through a smile. “How much longer are we expected to stay?”

  “Not much longer. You’ve handled this beautifully, by the way.”

  “The people are nice. It’s easy to be nice back. But you’d better watch Larry Buddress. I thought I was going to have to kick his leg. He latched on and wouldn’t leave me alone.”

  “He came on to you?” Seth was horrified.

  “No, but he flattered me to no end. Only because I’m your wife. He’s a climber. Wants to get to the top of your group and figured buttering me up was the way to get it done faster. I just really hate people like that. Oh. Look out. The man himself is headed this way. This time he’s all yours. I’ve gotta find a ladies’ room. Later.”

  Seth turned to find Larry approaching them, his hand out.

  “Larry, good to see you. Thanks for coming,” Seth said.

  While the man went on about all the things he could do for the project, Seth saw Ally turn down a hallway and walk out of sight. Just before she turned the corner, he saw her take off her shoes and couldn’t help but laugh.

  The music started, and he walked over to where Ally had disappeared. Soon she came back down the hallway, still holding her shoes.

  “Put your shoes on and dance with me,” Seth said, humor lacing his words.


  When she put them on, he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. The small orchestra was playing a slow song, and he pulled her into his arms. It felt good to hold her. She fit his body perfectly, and they swayed to the music, his arms locked around her, pulling her close. Her head lay against his shoulder.

  The music changed to another slow tune, and they continued to hold each other as they swayed to the beat. Ally didn’t say anything and neither did he. Being close was enough. No one tried to cut in. It was as if they knew she was his and interruptions would not be tolerated.

  The evening was winding down. When the music ended, Seth led Ally back through the crowd, and they began saying their goodbyes. As they made their way toward the door, several men stepped forward and patted Seth on the back, congratulating him on marrying such a fine wife.

  Seth felt good about the research center. So many people had come forward pledging their help and making donations. Within two years they should be close to opening. He wouldn’t have been this close to making it happen if it weren’t for Ally. He wished he could tell everyone about what she had done to help the project along, but of course he couldn’t. As far as everyone knew, they were a happily married couple.

  Until their three months were over.

  “Are you asleep?” he asked, looking at her as she lay back against the leather seat of the limo, her eyes closed.

  “No. Just thinking back over the party. The people were so nice. Are they all going to contribute to your project?”

  “Most already have, and others have made pledges.”

  “I’m so happy for you. Your dream is going to come true.”

  “Yep. Thanks to you.”

  “I’ve done very little. You’re the one who made it happen.”

  “On the contrary, the building itself will cost several million dollars. The proceeds from my father’s will are going to cover most of that. There would be no inheritance were it not for you.”

  “You’re sweet to say that.”

  “I imagine you’re ready to get back to the ranch.”

  “What time will we leave tomorrow?”

  “I have another meeting in the morning. I should be back by noon then we’ll go. You can sleep in.”

  “It’s been great, Seth. The entire trip. You live in a very beautiful part of the world.”

  He smiled. “So do you.” And he meant it. He hoped she would return here someday, but there was no use inviting her to come back. They both knew that probably wouldn’t happen. She had her life in Texas, and he had his in LA. Maybe a visit was possible if life didn’t get in the way. But he was about to start his role in the family business in addition to maintaining his own companies and working on the research center. There was no use kidding himself.

  When this was over, it was over.


  Ally didn’t want to leave LA. For perhaps the first time in her life, she didn’t miss the ranch. Being here with Seth had been a wonderful experience. Last night had been so much more than she’d ever dreamed. Dancing in his strong arms, feeling his body sway to the music, alternately pushing against her then stepping away. By the time they’d left the party, she was so hot she’d practically attacked him as soon as they made it through the door of his condo. Then they’d fallen into each other’s arms and the evening had exploded into pure ecstasy.

  She’d better lock it away in her memory book, because it wouldn’t happen again. It couldn’t.

  Now it was time to go home. Seth was back from his meeting by one o’clock, and they were on their way back to Texas. The flight was quick by comparison to their trip out to California, when she’d been on pins and needles. Seth hadn’t mentioned anything last night to indicate any change in his feelings, but he looked at her in a different way—a twinkle in his eyes and a look of possession on his face. Like she was his.

  It wasn’t true. It never would be. But just for the moment, she let herself believe it was. Just for the moment, they were husband and wife and the life they led was real. A warm feeling began to grow as she remembered all he’d done for her. He didn’t have to. He’d gone over and above, and she’d begun to see him as someone special. The chemistry between them came alive whenever she was with him, and now it was strengthened by the love that had started growing in her heart.

  She shook her head to remember none of it was true. None of it was real. She could savor being in Seth’s arms for now. But when the plane touched down, all fantasies were off.

  * * *

  Ally had been quiet this morning, and Seth didn’t try to encourage her to speak, deciding to let her work through it in her own way. He wished, however, he knew what she was thinking. Had he taken advantage of her? She’d given no indication she regretted last night. So all he could do was assume it had been as incredible for her as it had for him.

  The small town of Calico Springs came into view as the plane circled for final landing. Seth looked over at Ally, surprised to find her dozing lightly. He couldn’t resist leaning over and placing a kiss on her succulent lips.

  “Mmm,” she murmured, opening her eyes.

  “We’re here. Time to wake up.”

  She blinked as though recalling where she was. “Okay.” She smiled up at him, and his body surged with want. God, she was a beauty. Her crystal-green eyes sparkled, while her full lips parted in a smile, showing perfect white teeth. Framing her delicate features was that dark red hair laced with strands of burnished gold from the sun. Her small turned-up nose completed the effect.

  He looked forward to being at the ranch once again. Enjoying some alone time with Ally. First thing on his to-do list was to find a horse of his own. He’d call Chance and see if they could come out and look at any he had for sale. Then they could go exploring and share a day.

  “Did you ever hear anything from your security team about the break-in?” Ally asked, sitting up in her seat and straightening her clothes.

  “Nothing. All was quiet while we were away.”

  “Good. I’d hoped they would catch him, but quiet is good, too.”

  “If the person thought the house was empty, he no doubt had quite the surprise. It might take him a while to get up the nerve to try again. But we’re ready for him.”


  “Ally, how about I call Chance and see if they have any horses for sale?”

  “Great idea.”

  “Or maybe we could borrow a couple of their horses and make a day of it on my family’s ranch?”

  “I would like that. I’ve heard it has some of the greatest views of anywhere around. And you can ride for days.”

  “I’ll call Chance tomorrow morning.”

  Once they landed, they made the trip from the airport to the ranch in silence. Entering the house, Seth noted it felt as though he was returning home. In the few weeks he’d lived here, he had come to regard it as home away from home. Bryan from his security detail met them at the door.

  While Seth stopped to talk with Bryan, Ally continued up the stairs to her room. He hoped her interludes of silence weren’t indicative of something wrong.

  * * *

  It was good to be home again. The days spent in California had been good, especially the time spent with Seth, but home was nice, too.

  As Ally stepped inside her bedroom, she noted the room felt out of sync. Everything was the same but felt different. She set her luggage on the bed and sat down next to it.

  What would happen now that they were back? Recent events had changed everything. Could they return to the way things were? She felt a kind of panic at the thought. It would be no use pretending that they hadn’t made love. But how did they go forward from here? She was trying hard to keep barriers in place that would prevent her from falling in love with Seth, and he probably had barriers equally strong that kept him free and able to live his single lifestyle, unburdened by any relationship that would tie him down. Where did he see their immediate future? She knew he was as determined to maintain his freedom long-term as she was to maintain hers.